Fulfillment of the Dragon's Hoard will commence shortly – Spidermind Games
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Fulfillment of the Dragon's Hoard will commence shortly

Fulfillment of the Dragon's Hoard will commence shortly
The new goddess and white sharps arrived into Ohio, so boxes are being packed to fulfil all of you who have ordered the full hoard. Apparently they are gorgeous! (As a reminder, these were delayed as a large percentage of the white and goddess sharp edged dice were yellow). This will include any of you who are in Canada or other parts of the Americas. We are starting with those of you who have all 12 sets and then working backwards, until all orders than contain sharp edged dice, are done. Meanwhile the other colours of the sharps are being made in the factory. Ideally as Ohio fulfills orders with sharps, more will arrive in time to continue this process until you are all fufilled. There are also plenty of round edged dice in Ohio, meaning they should be able to get all of you, with the larger orders, completed.
Simultaneously, parcels are constantly leaving Oregon based on SKUs available, rather than geographical location. In this case it’s mostly round edged dice.
Why there are now two locations fulfilling? As we mentioned before, we had the pallet of failed dice sent to Ohio where the manufacturing partners are based. They are carefully going through the failed sets and making new sets with all aligned dice and adding in the brand new goddess and white dice, to replace the yellowed sets that failed the QC. There have been a couple of negative comments about this regarding the opening and closing of the boxes. This process is of course not being done recklessly, but with a great deal of care and attention to detail.
Whilst Ohio are concentrating on the larger orders, they are also dealing with orders from Kickstarter & Shopify where sharps are in the order. You guys are having your labels printed based on what you bought. For example a group of you with D20 round edged dice & green sharp were recently fulfilled from Ohio and this is an ongoing process. Reports are run in batches based on SKUs ordered and then your labels are issued in pdf form in Oregon, emailed to Ohio, where the labels are printed and added to your already packed boxes, for collection by USPS. Those of you outside the US, your orders are also going to be fulfilled in batches based on what you ordered.
All of us are working on this to streamline what labels are printed and when. We need to have the boxes packed and ready to go, to then push through the labels as they do expire if the process takes too long.
All replacements for original orders will start to be sent when we have completed the original fulfillment. We are getting there and as we’ve said many times… none of us asked for this and so your patience and understanding is much appreciated.
Due to this extra layer if inspection that is happening in both Oregon and Ohio, we are seeing less wonky dice. If you get wonky dice please complete the portal https://spidermindgame.typeform.com/to/mEEKm10n#email=xxxxx
Posting an update undoubtedly creates a lot of emails but please be mindful of the fact that I am the one generating the batches and then communicating this with the team / functioning as the co-ordinator. The more emails you guys send, the less time I have to fulfil dice. The same goes with Facebook. We are on a mission to fulfil the dice, this has never not been the case, so please let us do our jobs. Despite the fact that we do not know when each of you individually is getting their parcel, we do know that you are getting it!!! Please keep an eye on Backer Kit and if you ordered from Shopify, you will be emailed a tracking link. Quitting is not an option for us although honestly it would be easier.
Sorry again for the looooooooooong delays and here’s hoping you all have a great weekend.

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