Latest Update on the Dragon Eye Dice

Following on from our last update to you folks, we have had an update of our own, from the factory, last night. They reported on the audit and predicted that the process should be completed by the end of the month. We will, as promised, update with any solid dates when we receive one.
In our last update (and answers to comments below the update) we elaborated on the reason for the delay and our wish to leave the QA team to handle the inspection. Whilst we understand that the factory is not being paid for this process and so is doing this as well as usual manufacturing tasks, we have pressed for a conclusion as strongly as we can.
We totally understand the frustration of any backer when a project is delayed, as we are backers ourselves. As a company, we are also in a position where no further dice products can be sold until this inaugural project is launched, which is costing us money. What we are aware of is everyone’s patience and support on this project and we are working as hard as we can to get the complete dice on the water as soon as possible.
For anyone who has missed the question and detailed answer we gave below the last update, we have pinned the question to the top of the page, so it is easy to find – update #30
We will be back at the end of the month with an update and hopefully that all important date.
Thanks again,
Jon & Oliver
And the Spidermind Team