Video of all six full sets of Dragon Eye Dice - from Scotland
Hello again,
As promised a video showing all six full sets of 9 RPG Dragon Eye Dice with the egg and bag
The reason these two latest updates were split into 2 is because we sent the add-on sets to the US for filming and evaluation, and the full sets to the UK as they need to be taken to Essen Spiel which is happening this week. We will be showing them to European retailers and distributors to hopefully peak their interest so that after we have fulfilled your orders, we can hopefully see Spidermind Games products becoming more accessible to our fellow Europeans.
Jon lives at the top of Scotland and although parcels can arrive there obviously, his filming and photography equipment isn’t as good as Josh’s. However, we think this shows all the 6 colours in a fair way, although the lighting is a little bright. We are very happy with them and can’t wait to have them in the warehouse and get them shipped out to you all.
To reiterate, the sharp edged are hand polished and not machine tumbled like the smooth edged. This is why they cost more. The round edged are taking longer because we sold a lot more of them and so the sheer numbers are larger, which equals more time needed.
More updates on container schedule to follow, still aiming for end of October!