Dice Porn
This is just a quick update to share with you the dice on their final stretch as they are prepared for shipping.Click here to read full update and see more pictures
Journeys End or Journeys Beginning?
Please see latest update on production and shipping expectations here for the Dragon Eye Dice
A few more pics
As promised, here a few more pictures of the dice. We think the unboxing videos show the dice & packaging very clearly, so these are to showcase the eggs and give you a few close ups. *Remember all Kickstarter backers will all receive a free Goddess D20 and it will arrive inside the egg. The bag is large enough to hold the egg to keep the dice together. We are...
Video of all six full sets of Dragon Eye Dice - from Scotland
Hello again, As promised a video showing all six full sets of 9 RPG Dragon Eye Dice with the egg and bag The reason these two latest updates were split into 2 is because we sent the add-on sets to the US for filming and evaluation, and the full sets to the UK as they need to be taken to Essen Spiel which is happening this week. We will be...